Dienstag, 10. November 2009

The Champions: Ronny Reitz "Catfish"

I'm back!
Sorry for not writing last week, but an IT classtest and an addicting Nintendo DS Game (Disgaea DS) keept me busy xD.
Today, I will for the first time show you a deck by a German player:
Ronny Reitz' "Catfish". Ronny became established after wining 2 larger tournaments with his very own rebuild of the old Cat Synchro Deck.
Here is his list:

3x Gravekeeper's Spy
3x Deep Sea Diva
3x X-Saber Airbellum
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1x Neo-Spacian Dark Panther
1x Rescue Cat
1x Cyber Dragon
1x Spined Gillman
1x Gravekeeper's Guard
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Sangan
1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1x Summoner Monk
1x Rose, Warrior of Revenge

3x Book of Moon
3x Pot of Avarice
2x Lightning Vortex
1x Heavy Storm
1x Brain Control
1x Mind Control
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Scapegoat

3x Threatening Roar
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Call Of The Haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute

(Side Deck missing)

As you can see, this deck is very similar to the old Cat Synchro decks, but wth some modification, it also became playable in the new format. Ronny decided to add a Deep See Diva Engine, comprehending 3 Divas and a Spined Gillman. With this, his deck becomes extremly Synchro-friendly. He also added 2 Rykos as additional targets for Rescue Cat, which also serve as great opening play and can fill his graveyard for his 3 copies of Pot Of Avarice. You read correctly, he added the full three copies instead of the more standart pair of Pots. This is a simple decision if you want to use your combos as often as possible, and filling the graveyard is not realy a big deal in this deck. Ronny also added a pair of Lightning Vortexes, an exelent card in the current metagame, especialy in combination with Threatning Roar (which he runs three times). Let your opponet overextend, stop his OTK with Roar, punish him with Vortex. Sound simple? In fact, it is. Another card that was rarely seen in Catsynchro is Rose. With her, Ronny gets access to level 8 Sychros. Stardust Dragon is a gamewinner against Gladiator Beasts, and Colossal can kill a Blackwing deck on his own (I speak from my own experience...).
The rest of the deck is nothing special. The only thing that still might be mentioned is that Ronny decided to run Spies and one Guard. I think the main reason for this is the limitation of Mind Control, which could disturb your plays with Flip-Effects while it was unlimited.
In summary, you can say that the revival of Cat-Synchro is still a deck you should anticipate when you're heading to a larger tournament. It got even more power with Hidden Arsenal, as it has easy access to Castator, Brionac and Mist Worm. I think I will test this deck when I have the time to do so.
At this point, I want to congratualte Ronny for his success with this deck, I hope we get the chance to play once more somewhen (1:0, I'm leading :P)
I will try to post one more interview within the next few days. Stay tuned and have fun ;)

10 Kommentare:

  1. i would play flamvell magician or Mist Valley Soldier instead of Rose ;)

  2. Of course those are better, but when he played the deck they weren't ou yet ^^
    I will post another article about level 4 tuners this week^^

  3. nice article. interesting decklist

  4. Nice blog, but the deck is really bad. It loses to pretty much every Tier1 deck out there...
    Still, I like these articles ^.^

  5. He won two large tournaments with this deck, so it can't be that bad... I didn't test it myself yet, but I will when I visit my local store next time.
    You will get another "The Champions" article when this week's SJC is over ;)

  6. He lucked vs Roland gress he lucks every time guys the deck isnt so perfekt

  7. You can't just win by being lucky every time...
    Still,I tested the deck, and it's quite good, but not as explosive as I thought. I think I personaly wouldn't play it in larger events

  8. add instant fusion it´s perfect

  9. The Decklist is very good!!!
    I am test the Deck °-°

  10. Its a pretty good Deck but you are Limitet with the Synchros because lvl 7 isn´t the lvl with the Powerfull Synchros. So i think normal Diva-Synchro Decks are stronger than that Deck
