Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009

Hidden Arsenals shining star

In about 2 weeks, Hidden Arsenal will hit the stores and with it, we finaly have access to one of the best Synchro monsters ever printed:
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Discard any number of cards to the graveyard. Then, return cards from the field to it's owners hands equal to the number of cards discarded.

So, what makes this card worth writing a whole article about it?
At first, because Brionac is level 6, he is very easy to summon. Let me give you some examples how you can summon him:


Blizzard + Shura/Bora
Kalut + Gale

Plaugespreader + Zombie Master/Mezuki/Goblin Zombie/ect

Plaugespreader Zombie + Wulf/Lyla/Garoth

So, as you can see, bringing Brionac out is not realy a difficult thing. Now, how can we abuse his effect?
At first, Brionac easily kills any Synchro. He also frees you opponet's field for a big OTK move.
Also, his discard costs can easily be abused:

Play Blizzard, search Vayu with Black Whirlwind, summon Bora/Shura with Blizzards effect, summon Brionac, discard Vayu for his efect to get rid of your opponet's Armormaster/Colossal.

Sounds sick? Now,look at this:

Synchro Plaugespreader Zombie with Goblin Zombie for Brionac. Search your deck for Mezuki or Zombie Master, depending on which of them is already in your graveyard. Discard the searched Zombie for Brionac. Remove Mezuki for Zombie Master, discard a card for Goblin Zombie, use Plaugespreaders effect, use Plaugespreader and Goblin Zombie for Goyo Guardian. Now, you search your second Mezuki with Goblin Zombie effect, discard it for Brionac and use it's effect to revive Goblin Zombie.

2800 (Goyo) + 2300 (Brionac) + 1800 (Zombie Master) + 1100 (Goblin Zombie) = 8000

At first, this combo looks ridicioulus and almost impossible to perform. But look at the cards you need for it: Plaugespreader Zombie, Goblin Zombie, one random card in your hand and either Mezuki or Zombie Master in your graveyard. It's a 3-card-OTK, of which all three cards are easily searchable! Also, because we only use monster effects, we can back our OTK up with Cold Wave!

As you see,almost every deck can abuse Brionac:

Free discards thanks to Equestes effect.

Discard Vayu or Sirocco.

Look above.

Discard Necor Gardnas or the Lightsworns you need for your JD.

A simple Rescue Cat can summon him to free the field for direct attacks by X-Saber Airbellum.

Any deck:
Discard your side-boarded copies of Black Shining C.

In conclusion, Brionac is limited to one copy per deck for a good reason and I think he might follow Dark Strikge Fighter in March. One of my future posts will feature a Zombie Deck massivly absuing Brionacs OTK potential. Of course, there are many more decks where you can use him: X-Sabers, Flamvells, just be creative ;)
Thanks for reading ;)

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